Period 1

Time of hunters and farmers

What did the Netherlands look like in the past and what people did thousands of years ago? The history of the Netherlands is many times older than the Netherlands itself.

Period 1 Time of hunters and farmers

The lives of hunters and collectors

Did you know that an extinct human species has been found near the Dutch border? This kind of discovery gives us a lot of information about our history.

Period 2

Time of Greeks and Romans

Do you know all about the time when the Ancient Greeks and Romans lived? This time is called Antiquity. It lasted from 3000 BC to 500 AD.

Period 2 Time of Greeks and Romans

Spreading Greco-Roman culture and confronting Germanic culture

Has the Netherlands been in Roman hands in history? Some places do. The Romans could only conquer the south of the Netherlands.

Period 6 Time of regents and princes

Civil governance and urban culture in the Netherlands

In the era of the golden age there was a displacement of power. The church had had the most power for a long time. Now the citizens were allowed to rule.

Period 9 Time of world wars

The racist and totalitarian nature of National Socialism

Bullies are often very insecure. You can see that in history. The Germans did terrible things because they felt very insecure.

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