Period 1 Time of hunters and farmers

The emergence of the first urban societies

Do you know what kind of profession you want to pursue later? If you had lived at the end of prehistoric times, you had no choice, you were a farmer or a craftsman.

Period 3

Time of monks and knights

You must have been in a castle once. Castles remind us of the Middle Ages. In addition to castles, many monasteries were built during this period.

Period 3 Time of monks and knights

Court system and agility

Did you know that the Romans made many inventions to increase agricultural yields? After this period, the farmers had to reinvent everything themselves.

Period 4

Time of cities and states

Have you ever heard of the separation between church and state? In the middle ages this did not exist yet. The Pope was more powerful than the emperor.

Period 4 Time of cities and states

Rise of trade and the emergence of cities

The moment the Dutch cities started to grow was a very important point in history. Do you live in one of the oldest cities in The Netherlands?

Period 6

Time of regents and princes

Have you ever heard of the Golden Age? In this era, the Netherlands was very rich and powerful. In Amsterdam you can still see many beautiful buildings from this time.

Period 6 Time of regents and princes

Emergence of trade capitalism and beginning of global economy

Exploring the world without a map in a wooden boat was a huge challenge. The Dutch from the era of the golden age took on this challenge.

Period 6 Time of regents and princes

Civil governance and urban culture in the Netherlands

In the era of the golden age there was a displacement of power. The church had had the most power for a long time. Now the citizens were allowed to rule.

Period 6 Time of regents and princes

The pursuit of monarchs for absolute power

We all have a bad day. But a disaster year? 1672 went down in history as a disaster year. We were attacked on all sides.

Period 7

Time of wigs and revolutions

Has anyone ever asked you if you wanted to get rich quickly? The Dutch of the 18th century wanted that. They were going to trade slaves.

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