Period 3

Time of monks and knights

You must have been in a castle once. Castles remind us of the Middle Ages. In addition to castles, many monasteries were built during this period.

Period 3 Time of monks and knights

The spread of Christianity in the Low Countries

Do you know what a missionary is? These people are trying to convert you. In the period of the Middle Ages there were many missionaries in the Netherlands.

Period 4

Time of cities and states

Have you ever heard of the separation between church and state? In the middle ages this did not exist yet. The Pope was more powerful than the emperor.

Period 4 Time of cities and states

The battle between church and state

It will happen To you. You're four years old. You can only just talk and you'll be crowned king. In history, this was quite common.

Period 4 Time of cities and states

Rise of trade and the emergence of cities

The moment the Dutch cities started to grow was a very important point in history. Do you live in one of the oldest cities in The Netherlands?

Period 4 Time of cities and states

Rise of urban bourgeoisry and increasing independence of cities

Have you ever moved? Everyone is now free to live wherever they want. In history, you had to buy yourself free first if you wanted to live in the city.

Period 4 Time of cities and states

The beginning of state formation and centralisation

What do you say; do you live in the Netherlands or in Holland? There's a difference. If we go back in time we see that Holland was ruled by Dutch graves.

Period 5 Time of explorers and reformers

Changing human and worldview of the Renaissance and the beginning of a new scientific interest

Have you ever heard of Erasmus? There are streets, schools and a bridge named after him. He was very important to Dutch history.

Period 5 Time of explorers and reformers

The Reformation and the division of the Christian Church

How many churches are in town with you? Probably a lot. The Catholic churches are the oldest in history. It wasn't until later that other churches joined.

Period 5 Time of explorers and reformers

The uprising and the emergence of an independent Dutch state

The Pope is very powerful. But back in history, his power was much greater. Did you know that the Netherlands had to fight its way free from the Catholics?

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