Do you think history is a long time ago? No, i'm not. Even today, things can happen that will forever be mentioned in the history books.
Time of television and computer

From the second half of the twentieth century, the first televisions were sold in the Netherlands. The television caused big changes in the living room: convivial games at the dining table were increasingly competitiond from the TV.
Do you think history is a long time ago? No, i'm not. Even today, things can happen that will forever be mentioned in the history books.
Many countries in history have experienced that they were ruled by foreigners. What would you do? There is often only one answer: nationalism.
The cold war. After the Second World War we have always been afraid of a 3rd world war. For years there was a real threat of a world war.
Important decisions are being made in Brussels. But who does that? What's the name of that organization? Europe has only started working together in this period.
Do you ever think about the fact that the TV was only recently invented? It's changed history. Some people can't live without it now.